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Kit amplificateur

  • High-efficiency Class-D IC circuitry, (no cooling fans needed) properly shielded against FM/AM radio interference
  • Uses advanced digital switching power supply technology to dramatically reduce the 12 V current demands on the motorcycle electrical system, compared to other brand amplifiers in this power range
  • Compatible with the stock radio, no special radio flashes or adjustments are needed
  • Amplifier mounts to the custom-made stainless-steel bracket system, to provide solid and secure mounting inside the left saddlebag position
  • Kit includes custom made connection harnesses, and is 100% Plug-n-Play
  • Comes out of the box already dialed in for this specific stock or custom speaker configuration, to provide maximum highway performance from your Goldwing audio system
  • Custom made heavy-gauge power and ground wires used for the fused battery and frame connections, along with all necessary mounting hardware and complete installation/operation instructions included
J & M
Référence fournisseur
Courant continu (RMS)
920 W
Maniabilité lors du pic de puissance
2040 W
Nom du produit
Kit amplificateur
Nombre de canaux
Position de montage
Pour marque
Résistance électrique
2 ohm

J & M

AMP 1000XXR 4CH 18-24 GOLDWG

44050974 / JAMP-1000GW18-TB

*(TVA à 19 % comprise)

9+ En stock
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Les prix affichés sont nos tarifs publics conseillés TTC.

Il est possible que nos revendeurs proposent des prix différents, en fonction d’éventuels frais supplémentaires liés au transport, au dédouanement ou à un taux de TVA spécial.

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