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+49 (0) 6501 9695 - 2000

Junta tapa de distribución

  • High-quality products for long-term reliability
  • Gaskets available in multiple types to best suit the intended application
  • Manufactured from premium fuel-resistant materials that will not creep, crack or become brittle
  • Multi-Layer Steel (MLS) gaskets feature two outer Viton®-coated embossed spring steel layers with an inner steel layer to provide additional support
  • Extreme Sealing Technology (EST) gaskets feature embossed steel gaskets covered with a proprietary rubber material or solid copper, depending on the application
  • Viton® gaskets feature a stainless steel core with a .001”-thick coating of Viton rubber on both sides
  • Aluminum Foamette Material (AFM) gaskets feature an aluminum core and a chemically blown, compounded nitrile synthetic rubber coating that is bonded to the outside layer; do not require gasket sealer
  • Single-Layer Steel (SLS) gaskets feature a stainless steel core and embossed outer surfaces that create a heavy-duty seal between the center steel layer and the gasket mating surfaces
  • CFM is a composite material with a steel tang center laminated to provide excellent heat tolerance without delaminating while providing a long lasting seal
  • Made in the U.S.A.
Referencia de proveedor
0,81 mm (0,032")
AFM (Aluminum Foam Material)
Nombre de producto
Tapa cárter de distribución
Pack de 5



09345934 / C10173

*incl. 19% IVA

9+ En stock
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