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Set de rodamientos de cigüeñal FKM para Gilera Runner, Piaggio Hexagon, Italjet Dragster 125, 180 cc

  • A set of high quality Japanese NTN bearings with C3 clearance and FKM shaft seals
  • The set includes the crankshaft bearings left and right as well as the associated sealing rings
  • FKM seals are among the best oil seals currently available on the market
  • When changing the crankshaft, always use new bearings and crankshaft seals
  • The difference between FPM, FKM, Viton®: Behind the abbreviations or names mentioned is the identical basic material - fluororubber. FKM is the abbreviation for fluoroelastomers according to the American ASTM standard. Viton®, on the other hand, is a trademark of the company DuPont Performance Elastomers
  • In our range, all fluoro rubber articles are designated with the abbreviation FKM
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09210875 / 32593

*incl. 19% IVA

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