+49 (0) 6501 9695 - 2000

About SW-Motech

Founded in 1999 by three enthusiastic motorcyclists, SW-MOTECH boasts a team of over 400 bright minds behind the brand with the red bull emblem. Today, the company stands as one of the leading suppliers of motorcycle accessories worldwide, exporting to over 70 countries. Operations are centralized at headquarters in Rauschenberg, Germany, and a secondary plant in the Czech Republic, where the focus is on crafting first-class motorcycle accessories.

From the inception of a design idea to the meticulous process of prototype building, followed by mass production, distribution, and customer service, SW-MOTECH ensures excellence at every step. Well-known manufacturers like BMW, Ducati, Kawasaki, KTM, Moto Guzzi, Suzuki, and Yamaha, along with motorcyclists globally, place their trust in the company's expertise in developing and producing original parts.


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Top Accessories for YOUR BMW R 1300 GS

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9+ auf Lager
*inkl. 19% MwSt.


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